
A few of my creative projects—as well as others’ work that I’ve had the joy of contributing to in some way.

Keep Spokane Kind of Gross

Keep Spokane Kind of Gross just kind of happened during a brainstorm session with my erstwhile podcast cohost, Taylor. Our beloved, somewhat disgusting Riverfront Park was being renovated—and soon we’d never be able to reminiscently stroll past high school make-out spots or ride the suspect ferris wheel again. As Taylor workshopped the tagline (the initial “Keep Spokane Gross” didn’t quite capture the energy), I semi-jokingly threw together a bumper sticker design à la the classic “Keep Portland Weird.”

In keeping with the vibe, our most sophisticated marketing campaign has been lawlessly pasting stickers on bike racks and lampposts throughout the city.

T-shirts, stickers, buttons, and mugs available for sale at Boo Radley’s and Giant Nerd Books in Spokane.

  • Out There Outdoors: I’ve written for many publications over the years, but Out There has been my home base. A decade+ of stories, photos, and illustration; a couple years as the Everyday Cyclist columnist; and a handful of editorial illustrations.

  • The Thing Podcast: Taylor Weech and Erika Prins Simonds talk politics, social justice and vaginas.

  • TEDx Spokane Talk: Fearless Conversation.

  • The Pink Tablet: A feral opera — part play, part dance, and five original choral compositions based on Ellen Welcker's poems of the same name. (Inlander coverage here.)

  • “Me Too” illustration featured on The Rumpus.

  • Praxis episode 227: Mothers Day Round Table with Liz Moore and Erika Prins Simonds. Hosted by Taylor Weech.